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HooptownGTA Forums

The Greater Toronto Area High School Basketball Forums

    Annual Summer Classic Tournament- REGISTER NOW!


    Number of posts : 7
    Registration date : 2013-05-23

    Annual Summer Classic Tournament- REGISTER NOW! Empty Annual Summer Classic Tournament- REGISTER NOW!

    Post by GaryDurrant Mon Jul 01, 2013 3:36 pm

    1st Annual Summer Classic:

    Gary Durrant Basketball is pleased to invite your team to participate in the 1st Annual Summer Classic Basketball Tournament on July 12-14th at Fanshawe College in London. See below for tournament information.

    1001 Fanshawe College Blvd London, ON N5Y 5R6
    Tel: (519) 452-4430

    o July 12th – 14th 2013

    o Male: 14u, 16u,18u, Adult
    o Female: 14u, 16u, 18u, Adult

    Entry Fee
    o $350 CND per team

    Confirmation Deadline
    o July 7th, 2013

    Official Rules
    o The official rules will be the FIBA rules for the current year.

    Competition Rules
    o Each team is guaranteed (3) three games –round robin format
    o Games will be(4) 8 minutes quarters – stop time
    o Adult division games will be (2) 20minutes halves – stop time
    o 4 timeouts per game (2 full, 2-30 sec.) – timeouts DO NOT carry over to overtime period(s) – there will be one (1) additional timeout during overtime.

    o We expect all players, coaches and parents to be on their best behavior on and off the court. Misconduct will result in a disqualification of the tournament. Coaches are ultimately responsible for the conduct of their players and will be personally liable for any damage to facilities caused by their team members.

    Please note: All teams must be at their scheduled court 20 minutes prior to their scheduled game times and must be ready to play 10 minutes after the previous game had ended. We will try to run on time or slightly ahead of schedule, so please comply with this request.

    Please be advised – No tolerance policy:
    All of our officials are IAABO-Certified and are instructed not to tolerate any negative comments or
    feedback from coaches, players and parents. We will not tolerate any of the aforementioned and will remove guilty parties from the gym and possibly the remainder of the tournament.

    Contact Gary Durrant at Tel: 416.889-7373, gary@garydurrant.com for registration and TREMENDOUS discount on hotel

    To register online visit www.garydurrant.com

      Current date/time is Sun Jun 02, 2024 11:24 am